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Facebook is under increasing scrutiny after the revelation that its lax privacy controls allowed UK-based Cambridge Analytica to skim data from 50 million user profiles. Like it or not, Facebook is a fixture on the web, and its business concern model involves building advertizing profiles on users like you. Mozilla is looking to shield users from Facebook's snooping and score some expert will at the aforementioned time. It's launched a new browser extension that segregates your Facebook account from the rest of the web.

To understand how the new extension works, you need to know how Facebook keeps tabs on you. It'southward not just your activity on Facebook'due south domain that matters. You come across Facebook on a variety of websites throughout the mean solar day without realizing it. Whatsoever site that has the Facebook "Like" button has Facebook's tracking code, and that tin connect you to your profile via the cookies served up when you lot log into Facebook. To foreclose that, y'all need to silo Facebook from the remainder of your online activities, and Mozilla aims to make that easier.

The extension, currently merely available for Firefox, is called Facebook Container. As the name implies, it contains your Facebook contour and so it doesn't leak out across the web. When yous access Facebook in Firefox, the session stays within a defended Facebook tab. Once you lot get gear up up, opening Facebook will automatically boot y'all over to a new tab colored blue to allow you know information technology's sandboxed from the rest of the browser.


Once yous are done on Facebook, all your cookies and data disappear from the browser. It's sort of like automatic Incognito Mode for Facebook only. However, Facebook Container besides keeps Facebook services from opening outside of the container. You could replicate this behavior on your own, but it'd be deadening.

So, what happens if you see ane of those pervasive Like buttons on the web? At that place won't be whatever data in your browser for Facebook's tracking tools to associate with your profile. One potential drawback, Facebook Like and Share buttons around the web won't piece of work. Third-party websites that use Facebook logins will also encounter errors. This could be a pain as yous traverse the web, only keeping Facebook out of your business involves tradeoffs.

If yous are a Firefox user, the Facebook Container is bachelor on the official Firefox addition site. It's probably the next best thing to deleting your Facebook account birthday.