
How To Get Rid Of Textured Skin Overnight

How to Get Rid of Textured Skin Like a Boss!

Skin texture - Starpil Wax

What is textured skin really? Most of us want to have baby soft skin that is smooth to the touch, but it always seems like there's something in the way. Acne, fine lines and wrinkles, and those random bumps that just appear, like out of nowhere!? With so many competing issues that cause textured skin , where do you even start? Well, if your skin texture is anything but smooth as silk, we have some intel for you! In this article, we first answer the question, what is skin texture , by discussing the many different types.

Then, we dive deep into their causes and solutions for body and face texture according to skin type. By the end of this blog, you'll hopefully have an even greater understanding of the skin and how to take care of it for more than just smooth skin, but for your overall health in general.

What is textured skin?

Skin texture or textured skin is an overarching term that describes the condition of the skin's surface. Healthy skin texture feels supple, soft, and smooth. It's plump, indicating an ample balance of hydration, sebum, collagen, and elastin (the building blocks of healthy skin). Uneven skin texture can be rife with dry skin patches or oily skin patches. It can experience skin tags, chicken skin , or have a bumpy skin texture or acne, milia, or pustules. Skin texture can feel thick and rough, appear dull, and blotchy with discoloration and hyperpigmentation.

What are different skin texture types ?

There are many different skin texture types that stem from various issues within or outside the body. From dehydrated skin texture that includes dry patches and a sandy skin texture to oily skin texture issues such as acne, orange peel skin texture, and acne scarring, there are numerous skin texture types .

Here they are in more detail.

Dry or Dehydrated Skin Texture

Dry or Dehydrated Skin Texture - Starpil

Dry skin usually refers to a skin type that lacks the ability to retain water or produce adequate oils. Dehydrated skin, on the other hand, loses water moisture through external circumstances like the weather, an imbalance of lifestyle choices, or a lack of skincare support. Oily skin can also be dehydrated, but it can be difficult to tell. When skin lacks in its ability to retain water, it can develop a rough skin texture that includes the following issues:

  • Dry patches
  • Hard bumps
  • Snake skin texture
  • Flaking
  • Peeling and redness
  • Tight and itchy
  • Slits, cracks, and fissures
  • Sandy skin texture
  • Fine lines and deep wrinkles
  • Sagging due to elasticity loss
  • Skin has a dull complexion and "dusty" finish


Oily Skin Texture Issues

Orange peel skin texture - Starpil wax

As mentioned, oily skin texture issues can often be dehydrated. Many with genetically oily skin might forgo hydrating skincare support, or use harsh skincare products without balancing out their routine to include nourishing moisturizers. Oily skin can be genetic or enhanced through hormonal changes or imbalanced lifestyle choices. The following skin texture issues may occur with oily skin.

  • Large pores or orange peel skin texture
  • Acne textured skin
  • Flaking underneath oil
  • Elasticity loss and sagging
  • Continuous shine
  • Acne, pustules, blackheads
  • Acne scarring
  • Bumpy skin texture
  • Clogged pores

Bumbpy skin exture - Starpil wax

Uneven Skin Texture vs. An Uneven Complexion

Aside from skin texture issues that you can feel, textured skin issues can also affect the complexion of skin with pigmentation, melasma, sallowness, redness, and undereye circles. A dull skin texture is often associated with dry or oily skin that hasn't been properly exfoliated.

Skin pigmentation - Starpil wax


What causes textured skin?

For those wondering " why is my skin so textured ," it can be due to many factors. Some skin texture issues stem from genetics, medications, hormonal changes, or allergies, while others are caused directly by an imbalanced lifestyle, diet, a lack of stress management, sleep, or skincare. Textured skin is often just a symptom or a flag that the body waves to let us know it needs help.

Skin texture issues - Starpil wax

When wanting to know what causes textured skin, the first place to look is at our microbiome. The microbiome is a network of trillions of good bacteria found in the gut and on the skin that support the building of immunity and tissue-building cells. It's like an internal and external shield that protects and supports the body's functions. It's also responsible for communicating to numerous body systems like the brain and digestive systems to send reinforcements and more. When the microbiome is working overtime to protect us from too many imbalances (too much sun, sugar, alcohol, stress, or a lack of sleep, for example), it weakens in its ability to protect against the three main causes of skin texture.

  1. Dehydration
  2. Inflammation
  3. Free radical damage

The microbiome helps the skin keep itself hydrated, in stasis (balanced from inflammation), and protected from free radical damage caused by an imbalanced lifestyle. For all intents and purposes, smooth skin starts in the gut with a flourishing microbiome, but dehydration, inflammation, and free radical damage can wreak havoc on this magic system in the following ways.


Elephant skin texture - Starpil wax

Dry skin disorders from eczema to flaking, redness, and itching are majorly linked to the immune system. The immune system is impacted greatly by imbalanced microflora within the microbiome. Leaky gut, food, skin, and inhaled allergens, and environmental factors such as pollutants, and climate can all alter a healthy microbiome with dehydration.


Inflamed acne skin texture - Starpil wax

Textured skin from inflammation can include: bacterial, fungal, and viral infections (herpes, warts), bacterial imbalance (acne), immunity dysfunction (psoriasis), allergies (redness, hives), gut conditions, excessive sun exposure, fissures, and cracks from dry skin all play a role on inflammatory skin texture issues that cause the microbiome to work overtime.

Free Radical Damage

Free radical damage - Starpil wax

Dehydration, leading to inflammation causes oxidative stress (free radical damage). When we see skin texture like acne or eczema, it's often a symptom of inflammation within the body. Oxidative stress can also be caused by our lifestyles and it further breaks down skin cells, leading to skin issues like pigmentation, dry patches, sagging, wrinkles, or dull skin.

When these three issues go unchecked, it's like a never-ending cycle that contributes even further to breaking down the microbiome, which in turn, impacts the body, depletes skin health, and causes skin texture issues.

Here are just some of the biggest contenders in causing dehydration, inflammation, and oxidative stress leading to microbiome damage and textured skin.


Our diets are a massive contributor to the state of our microbiome. When our digestive system has to overexert itself to break down potentially toxic food compounds that lack supportive vitamins and amino acids, it can be critical to the health and smooth skin. This is when we need our good bacteria more than ever! Diets imbalanced with refined sugars and white flour, trans fats, and processed and fried foods, can break down the body in multiple ways, leading to a plethora of skin texture issues.


Stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues contribute to how the brain communicates with the gut. This is known as the gut-brain axis. These micro conversations tell the brain to release the healing Kraken like anti-inflammatories or help regulate digestion. Chronic stress can impede this communication. A breakdown in microflora can further affect mental health and resilience to stress. Stress can also lead to hormonal imbalances that add to depleting the microbiome and skin protection. In a recent article by the Huffington Post , author Julia Brucculieri talks to Dr. Joshua Zeichner , the director of Cosmetic and Clinical Research in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City where he states, "Stress is not our friend, neither for our mind nor for our skin."

"Stress is not our friend, neither for our mind nor for our skin"
Dr. Joshua Zeiner

Lack of Sleep

Sleep deprivation dulls skin's ability to heal, develop collagen, hydrate, and function at its most basic levels. Inflammation for those lacking sleep rises, thereby increasing the chances of outbreaks of acne, eczema, psoriasis, and skin allergies.

Lack of Skincare/ The Wrong Skincare

There might be a reason people from the past looked ancient in their 30s, and one might not be far off to assume that it was their lack of skincare technology. That being said, with all the choices we have, today, it's easy to choose routines that don't end up supporting smooth skin. No skincare or using the wrong skincare incorrectly can lead to dehydration, inflammation, and free radical damage.


Hormonal imbalances or changes within the body can directly affect sebum production. Pregnancy, thyroid issues, menstruation, a rise in cortisol levels due to stress, can all cause hormonal imbalances, increasing oil production and acne. The microbiome helps synthesize and regulate hormones and neurotransmitters. If it's not working at its best, there can be breakdowns within the body leading to skin texture issues.

Harsh Climate Exposure

If you are in a climate of high heat and humidity, you increase sweat, oil, and therefore the potential for bacteria, breakouts, and bumps. If you are in a dry heat environment, you increase your chances of skin dehydration. Extremely cold climates can not only dry skin out, but leave it open to cracking and fissures for increased chances of inflammation. Excessive sun exposure can lead to sunburns and UV damage which leads to skin cell breakdown, accelerated aging, and pigmentation.


From the food you eat to the beauty products, cleaning supplies, and fabric softener you use, allergies can mess skin up and be a contributor to bumpy skin texture. Allergens can leave the skin with rashes, swelling, redness, hives, or itchy skin. Inhaled allergens like pollen, dander, mold, dust, or pets, can also cause symptoms such as sneezing, congestion, stomach pain, nausea, and diarrhea. For some, allergies can be deadly. When we don't address the body's needs, when we ignore allergies, the end result can be the same—dehydration, inflammation and free radical damage, damage to the microbiome, and textured skin issues.

Genetics and Illness

Genetics are not the same as illness but like allergies, both can cause weaknesses in the variety of microflora in our microbiome and how it shows up to defend our skin. Plus, they cause predispositions hindering hydration, hormones, stasis, and neutralizing oxidative stress.


We are a waxing blog, so we'd be remiss to share how hair removal affects skin texture. Paying attention to hair growth cycles, pre, and post-wax care, and using the correct formulas for each skin type can all affect the skin's response and recovery to waxing. When done incorrectly, skin can break out in acne, bumps, or ingrown hairs leading to skin texture.

New 10lb kit With Cream by Starpil wax


How to get rid of textured skin?

With all of the ways one can experience skin texture, let's talk about how to get rid of textured skin. First, you need to understand what your skin texture is telling you. For example, if skin texture is dry, it's telling you that it needs hydration, if it's experiencing acne, it's telling you that it's inflamed and needs a chill pill. Once you determine what your skin texture is saying, you can trace your steps back to how the skin is not being hydrated or is inflamed, so that you can change course and attempt to cut off the source of the texture while giving the skin extra support where needed.


What does it mean to live a balanced lifestyle? It means that if you're leaning too much in one direction, you've got to balance it with something to offset potential damage. If you're a smoker, have an illness, or didn't get much sleep in the last few days, how can you support the skin in other ways to balance it? Here are some more examples and how to offset their imbalances.

A Balanced Diet and Exercise

Good skin needs vitamins and minerals, and it's made or broken in the kitchen. If you want to get rid of textured skin, balancing your diet is the first step toward healing anything. High fiber diets filled with greens, berries, nuts and seeds, probiotics, and supplements are the food du jour of the microbiome. Eating less meat and dairy can also be beneficial. Other things that deplete your microbiome: trans fats, refined sugars, white flour, processed foods, hormones, alcohol, and drugs. You also gotta get your heart and body pumping beyond a Zoom call with your boss for at least 20 minutes three times a week, so exercise is important. Also, DRINK WATER!

Stress Management

Read/listen to a Russel Brand or an Eckhart Tolle audiobook. Meditate, sing (a lot), dance in your underwear, fake laugh, and fist bump life. Chilling TF out is a cornerstone of how to help textured skin. Look into secular, scientific, or philosophical and spiritual means to manage stress at all costs. This can mean seeing a cognitive-behavioral therapist or psychologist and taking medication. On more surface levels, pay attention to how often you have to be right, give unsolicited advice, gossip, are indignant or reactive (road rage), be mindful of every time you experience envy, worry, unworthiness, doubt, fear, or anger. All of these can cause stress within the body.


Medications and Drugs

Sometimes we've got to take some drugs to balance other stuff going on with our health, like antibiotics and prescriptions. These can mess with the microbiome and skin, so if we want to know how to fix bumpy skin , balance is the word of the day. You have to give skin added support when consuming things like caffeine, or a rager this weekend (alcohol, drugs, cigarettes). Eat something green more than once a day, drink a lot of water or green juice (avoid sugar and processed foods like the plague). Take a probiotic or drink kombucha. Mind your skincare to support skin when it's a challenge for it to do. Be on top of your gut and skin health game where you can where medical and chemical stuff is concerned.

Harsh Climate Exposure

Learning how to get rid of skin texture requires protection against the elements. Wear sunscreen or layers, amp your water content, elevate your skincare routine when experiencing excessive exposure to the sun, cold, dry or wet climates. With heat or dryness, do more water and cooling things. With cold dryness, balance with water and oil warming things on and in the body. Achieve balance both internally through diet and supplements and externally through skincare and protective measures.


You have to find ways to get sleep. If you can't sleep at night, take 20-minute meditation naps twice a day. Make up for lost sleep, sit in silence for five minutes where you can. Breathe in and out slowly 3-10 times. Rest and sleep are paramount to everything in your life. If you find it difficult to sleep at night, use melatonin, stretch, practice breathwork, meditation, or listen to bedtime stories on Youtube. GET SOME SLEEP!!

Sun Protection and Skincare Support

All skin types need cleansing, exfoliating, detoxification, water chemistry, oil chemistry, serums and/or moisturizers. Oils and sunscreen. On periodt. If you're taking retinoids or acne treatments, flush and detox skin first and impede dehydration and inflammation with water and nourishment next. Spot treat over blemishes if you can. WEAR SUNSCREEN of at least a 20SPF daily. Wear hats and walk in the shade. Heck, use an umbrella.

Allergies, Hormones, and Illness

Get it all tested. Know your body. If you can't get to a doctor, start cutting out the BS from your life as much as possible. Look at your diet and stress levels ASAP. Go for a walk. Stretch. Vacuum and tidy up your space (dust and dirty sheets are a THING!). Manage stress, limit your engagement with toxicity of all kinds; including your ex. Your skin will thank you for it.



Diet, skincare, and balancing stress, plus all of the above, are essential to supporting our skin in the areas our parent's genes and traumas couldn't. That's right; parents can pass on their coping mechanisms and anxieties too. So aside from taking needed medication, working out our weak ankles; read a self-help book, practice breathing, and let the healing begin!

Advisory: None of this is medical advice, just wisdom. Consult your doctor with any questions.

Your Waxing Routine

If you practice any kind of hair removal from waxing and threading to tweezing and shaving, you must employ proper skincare. If your waxer says no exercise 24-hours after waxing or to limit caffeine, these are directions to follow if you want to improve skin texture after hair removal. Have a basic understanding of hair growth cycles and stay consistent with your chosen method of hair removal, i.e., don't cheat on waxing with shaving. Whichever hair removal method you practice, follow proper at-home pre and post-hair removal care like your skin texture depends on it (because it does!). Seek out the best-reviewed service providers and be sure that they're only using the best-quality formulas for your skin type .


How to improve skin texture through your skincare routine.

Your skincare routine is a frontrunner to improve skin texture. However, skincare without living a balanced lifestyle might only be a bandage over the true cause(s) of textured skin issues. As with any path to treatment, you have to know where the problem is stemming from so that you can meet it with multiple solutions. Though there are many paths to textured skin, but as far as skincare is concerned; all roads can lead to Rome. Almost all skin types need the following.

  1. To be clean from impurities without stripping the acid mantle (skin's protective layer). This includes detoxifying congestion and exfoliation.
  2. Skin needs to be hydrated and moisturized with both water and oil chemistry. If you are oily, your skin still needs hydration.
  3. Skin needs to be able to receive nutrients from digestion and topically nourished.
  4. Skin needs to be protected from the inside out. Hydration, nourishment, and sun protection are all essential to this.

Cleansing, exfoliating, and detoxifying textured skin.

Cleansers, exfoliators, and detox masks are all necessary for smooth skin. You need to use the right ones for your skin type, know when to use them and how often. You also need to know how to balance them out with the proper skincare afterward.

How to remove textured skin from the body with cleansing.

The trick to cleansing your skin is that you don't necessarily need to do ALL of it every day unless of course you work out hard or get particularly dirty. Because not all skin texture is caused by bacteria, harsh cleansing or scrubbing doesn't have to be your cleansing MO. That could in part be why you're experiencing dry skin texture issues in the first place. Start with gentle dry brushing a few times a week before showering. Focus on "strategic" cleaning more and save complete cleansing for the days when you feel like you need it. Exfoliating and detoxification might only need to be done once a week.

Save your more intense cleansing for nighttime as your creams might be more restoring and heavier to offset stronger cleansers. In the AM, use micellar water, cream, or gel cleansers over a foaming face wash. Oily and acne-prone skin can follow with witch hazel as to not completely strip the skin but reduce shine. You can also opt for gentle beta hydroxy cleansers. Avoid cleansing skin with just a makeup remover wipe. You can remove makeup with it, then follow with micellar water and rinse. For my girls that love to slay all day, try using an oil cleanser or castor oil to loosen all that beat, then follow with a warm washcloth and proceed with your skincare routine.

How to smooth textured skin with exfoliating.

When exfoliating, don't try to "tell the whole story" at once. Start with the dry brushing and an oil massage with sesame or jojoba oil to soften the skin. Take a bath to soften skin further. This makes it easier (and more gentle) to slough off dead skin. Don't exfoliate over open wounds or active breakouts to avoid spreading bacteria.

Exfoliation for facial skin texture.

According to a 2020 WHO WHAT WEAR article by Eric James , Chemical exfoliants can be among the most gentle and effective way to fix skin texture on the face. Retinols can do everything from removing dry skin on a textured forehead , address scarring on cheeks and pigmentation throughout the face to speeding up skin recovery after breakouts. Retinol has to be used wisely. If you're just starting out, only use the lowest concentration two to three nights (night only) a week. It's also best to mix a pea-sized bit into your moisturizer. If you're really sensitive or dry, apply your moisturizer first, then a small amount of retinol after. Do not use retinol a minimum of a week before waxing hair removal.

"The best way to treat an acne scar is to prevent the scar from developing to being with by using early, effective treatments," Joshua Zeichner, MD, of Zeichner Dermatology in New York exaplins. "If YOU ALREAdy have scars, topical retinoids help improve texture by simulating new collagen production. Or speak your dermatologits about professional treatment
like lasers or peels"

How to smooth skin texture through hydration and nourishment.

Apply body lotions according to skin type while still in the shower and wet. Don't scrub with your towel while drying off, just dab and press. If you've given yourself a quick oil massage before your shower, leave it on for five to fifteen minutes before showering or bathing. Only practice "strategic" cleaning and don't wash off the oil. By the time you're done patting dry, the oil will have been adequately absorbed so that you don't feel greasy. Don't do an oil massage on a day you're getting waxed.

The best products for textured skin when nourishing and hydrating.

Vitamin C

For nourishing, vitamin C is one of the best products for textured skin. helps to speed up the skin renewal process, which is fabulous for smoothing acne scarring, pigmentation. It also acts as a powerful antioxidant to neutralize free radicals. Use vitamin C skincare products on the days that you skip retinol.

Hyaluronic Acid

One of our favorite products for textured skin is hyaluronic acid. This is a moisture-binding ingredient that can hold up to 1000 times its own weight in water. It's excellent for all skin types but you will see a noticeable difference in sandy skin texture. Hyaluronic acid is also a powerhouse for promoting collagen formation, plumping the skin, and helping to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

How to improve skin texture through protection.

All of your skincare is skin-protecting in a way, especially in dry climates, but here, we're talking about SPF. Get some according to your skin type. If you don't wear makeup, remember to reapply throughout the day. Wear the proper protective clothing depending on the weather to help keep a smooth skin texture.

WATCH: Check out a Dermatologist's skin-smoothing routine!


With so many opportunities for textured skin and so many ways skin texture can appear, navigating your way through how to get rid of textured skin naturally, chemically, or internally can all be overwhelming. Take your time in figuring out what works and what your body is saying. Seek medical attention if your textured skin issues are too much to take and by all means, let us know how we can help!


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How To Get Rid Of Textured Skin Overnight


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